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Business Yoga &  Meditation

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

The practice of yoga in the office can help with stress release, increased energy, and improved focus. For employees, it can improve mood, strengthen core muscles, improve flexibility and range of motion, reduce blood pressure and improve blood circulation.

We offer live-online sessions to support the well-being of your teams and build true team spirit. We believe that a healthy company means healthy employees!

Twist Pose

Trial Class:              100 € + 19% VAT*

Weekly Session:       120 € + 19% VAT*

Special Events:       upon request 

Workshops:             upon request​

**Within the framework of the Corporate Health Department, yoga and meditation are subsidized in the amount of 500 euros per employee per year (§ 3 Nr. 34 EStG).. The expense is a non-taxable amount.

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